Define a Spark Compilation Specification




For use with compile_package_jars. The Spark compilation specification is used when compiling Spark extension Java Archives, and defines which versions of Spark, as well as which versions of Scala, should be used for compilation.


  spark_version = NULL, 
  spark_home = NULL, 
  scalac_path = NULL, 
  scala_filter = NULL, 
  jar_name = NULL, 
  jar_path = NULL, 
  jar_dep = NULL, 
  embedded_srcs = "embedded_sources.R" 


Arguments Description
spark_version The Spark version to build against. This can be left unset if the path to a suitable Spark home is supplied.
spark_home The path to a Spark home installation. This can be left unset if spark_version is supplied; in such a case, sparklyr will attempt to discover the associated Spark installation using spark_home_dir.
scalac_path The path to the scalac compiler to be used during compilation of your Spark extension. Note that you should ensure the version of scalac selected matches the version of scalac used with the version of Spark you are compiling against.
scala_filter An optional R function that can be used to filter which scala files are used during compilation. This can be useful if you have auxiliary files that should only be included with certain versions of Spark.
jar_name The name to be assigned to the generated jar.
jar_path The path to the jar tool to be used during compilation of your Spark extension.
jar_dep An optional list of additional jar dependencies.
embedded_srcs Embedded source file(s) under <R package root>/java to be included in the root of the resulting jar file as resources


Most Spark extensions won’t need to define their own compilation specification, and can instead rely on the default behavior of compile_package_jars.