
R Interface to Apache Spark

Spark Sessions

Function(s) Description
spark_connect() spark_connection_is_open() spark_disconnect() spark_disconnect_all() spark_submit() Manage Spark Connections
spark_connect() spark_connection_is_open() spark_disconnect() spark_disconnect_all() spark_submit() Manage Spark Connections
spark_config() Read Spark Configuration
spark_install() spark_uninstall() spark_install_dir() spark_install_tar() spark_installed_versions() spark_available_versions() Download and install various versions of Spark
spark_log() View Entries in the Spark Log
spark_web() Open the Spark web interface

Spark Data

Function(s) Description
spark_read() Read file(s) into a Spark DataFrame using a custom reader
spark_read_avro() Read Apache Avro data into a Spark DataFrame.
spark_read_binary() Read binary data into a Spark DataFrame.
spark_read_csv() Read a CSV file into a Spark DataFrame
spark_read_delta() Read from Delta Lake into a Spark DataFrame.
spark_read_image() Read image data into a Spark DataFrame.
spark_read_jdbc() Read from JDBC connection into a Spark DataFrame.
spark_read_json() Read a JSON file into a Spark DataFrame
spark_read_libsvm() Read libsvm file into a Spark DataFrame.
spark_read_orc() Read a ORC file into a Spark DataFrame
spark_read_parquet() Read a Parquet file into a Spark DataFrame
spark_read_source() Read from a generic source into a Spark DataFrame.
spark_read_table() Reads from a Spark Table into a Spark DataFrame.
spark_read_text() Read a Text file into a Spark DataFrame
spark_write() Write Spark DataFrame to file using a custom writer
spark_write_avro() Serialize a Spark DataFrame into Apache Avro format
spark_write_csv() Write a Spark DataFrame to a CSV
spark_write_delta() Writes a Spark DataFrame into Delta Lake
spark_write_jdbc() Writes a Spark DataFrame into a JDBC table
spark_write_json() Write a Spark DataFrame to a JSON file
spark_write_orc() Write a Spark DataFrame to a ORC file
spark_write_parquet() Write a Spark DataFrame to a Parquet file
spark_write_rds() Write Spark DataFrame to RDS files
spark_write_source() Writes a Spark DataFrame into a generic source
spark_write_table() Writes a Spark DataFrame into a Spark table
spark_write_text() Write a Spark DataFrame to a Text file
spark_insert_table() Inserts a Spark DataFrame into a Spark table
spark_save_table() Saves a Spark DataFrame as a Spark table
collect_from_rds() Collect Spark data serialized in RDS format into R

Spark Tables

Function(s) Description
src_databases() Show database list
tbl_cache() Cache a Spark Table
tbl_change_db() Use specific database
tbl_uncache() Uncache a Spark Table

Spark DataFrames

Function(s) Description
dplyr_hof dplyr wrappers for Apache Spark higher order functions
sdf_save_table() sdf_load_table() sdf_save_parquet() sdf_load_parquet() Save / Load a Spark DataFrame
sdf_predict() sdf_transform() sdf_fit() sdf_fit_and_transform() Spark ML – Transform, fit, and predict methods (sdf_ interface)
sdf_along() Create DataFrame for along Object
sdf_bind_rows() sdf_bind_cols() Bind multiple Spark DataFrames by row and column
sdf_broadcast() Broadcast hint
sdf_checkpoint() Checkpoint a Spark DataFrame
sdf_coalesce() Coalesces a Spark DataFrame
sdf_collect() Collect a Spark DataFrame into R.
sdf_copy_to() sdf_import() Copy an Object into Spark
sdf_crosstab() Cross Tabulation
sdf_debug_string() Debug Info for Spark DataFrame
sdf_describe() Compute summary statistics for columns of a data frame
sdf_dim() sdf_nrow() sdf_ncol() Support for Dimension Operations
sdf_distinct() Invoke distinct on a Spark DataFrame
sdf_drop_duplicates() Remove duplicates from a Spark DataFrame
sdf_expand_grid() Create a Spark dataframe containing all combinations of inputs
sdf_from_avro() Convert column(s) from avro format
sdf_is_streaming() Spark DataFrame is Streaming
sdf_last_index() Returns the last index of a Spark DataFrame
sdf_len() Create DataFrame for Length
sdf_num_partitions() Gets number of partitions of a Spark DataFrame
sdf_partition_sizes() Compute the number of records within each partition of a Spark DataFrame
sdf_persist() Persist a Spark DataFrame
sdf_pivot() Pivot a Spark DataFrame
sdf_project() Project features onto principal components
sdf_quantile() Compute (Approximate) Quantiles with a Spark DataFrame
sdf_random_split() sdf_partition() Partition a Spark Dataframe
sdf_rbeta() Generate random samples from a Beta distribution
sdf_rbinom() Generate random samples from a binomial distribution
sdf_rcauchy() Generate random samples from a Cauchy distribution
sdf_rchisq() Generate random samples from a chi-squared distribution
sdf_read_column() Read a Column from a Spark DataFrame
sdf_register() Register a Spark DataFrame
sdf_repartition() Repartition a Spark DataFrame
sdf_residuals() Model Residuals
sdf_rexp() Generate random samples from an exponential distribution
sdf_rgamma() Generate random samples from a Gamma distribution
sdf_rgeom() Generate random samples from a geometric distribution
sdf_rhyper() Generate random samples from a hypergeometric distribution
sdf_rlnorm() Generate random samples from a log normal distribution
sdf_rnorm() Generate random samples from the standard normal distribution
sdf_rpois() Generate random samples from a Poisson distribution
sdf_rt() Generate random samples from a t-distribution
sdf_runif() Generate random samples from the uniform distribution U(0, 1).
sdf_rweibull() Generate random samples from a Weibull distribution.
sdf_sample() Randomly Sample Rows from a Spark DataFrame
sdf_schema() Read the Schema of a Spark DataFrame
sdf_separate_column() Separate a Vector Column into Scalar Columns
sdf_seq() Create DataFrame for Range
sdf_sort() Sort a Spark DataFrame
sdf_sql() Spark DataFrame from SQL
sdf_to_avro() Convert column(s) to avro format
sdf_unnest_longer() Unnest longer
sdf_unnest_wider() Unnest wider
sdf_weighted_sample() Perform Weighted Random Sampling on a Spark DataFrame
sdf_with_sequential_id() Add a Sequential ID Column to a Spark DataFrame
sdf_with_unique_id() Add a Unique ID Column to a Spark DataFrame
hof_aggregate() Apply Aggregate Function to Array Column
hof_array_sort() Sorts array using a custom comparator
hof_exists() Determine Whether Some Element Exists in an Array Column
hof_filter() Filter Array Column
hof_forall() Checks whether all elements in an array satisfy a predicate
hof_map_filter() Filters a map
hof_map_zip_with() Merges two maps into one
hof_transform() Transform Array Column
hof_transform_keys() Transforms keys of a map
hof_transform_values() Transforms values of a map
hof_zip_with() Combines 2 Array Columns
transform_sdf() transform a subset of column(s) in a Spark Dataframe

Spark ML - Regression

Function(s) Description
ml_linear_regression() Spark ML – Linear Regression
ml_aft_survival_regression() ml_survival_regression() Spark ML – Survival Regression
ml_isotonic_regression() Spark ML – Isotonic Regression
ml_aft_survival_regression() ml_survival_regression() Spark ML – Survival Regression
ml_generalized_linear_regression() Spark ML – Generalized Linear Regression

Spark ML - Classification

Function(s) Description
ml_naive_bayes() Spark ML – Naive-Bayes
ml_one_vs_rest() Spark ML – OneVsRest
ml_logistic_regression() Spark ML – Logistic Regression
ml_multilayer_perceptron_classifier() ml_multilayer_perceptron() Spark ML – Multilayer Perceptron
ml_linear_svc() Spark ML – LinearSVC

Spark ML - Tree

Function(s) Description
ml_decision_tree_classifier() ml_decision_tree() ml_decision_tree_regressor() Spark ML – Decision Trees
ml_decision_tree_classifier() ml_decision_tree() ml_decision_tree_regressor() Spark ML – Decision Trees
ml_decision_tree_classifier() ml_decision_tree() ml_decision_tree_regressor() Spark ML – Decision Trees
ml_gbt_classifier() ml_gradient_boosted_trees() ml_gbt_regressor() Spark ML – Gradient Boosted Trees
ml_gbt_classifier() ml_gradient_boosted_trees() ml_gbt_regressor() Spark ML – Gradient Boosted Trees
ml_gbt_classifier() ml_gradient_boosted_trees() ml_gbt_regressor() Spark ML – Gradient Boosted Trees
ml_random_forest_classifier() ml_random_forest() ml_random_forest_regressor() Spark ML – Random Forest
ml_random_forest_classifier() ml_random_forest() ml_random_forest_regressor() Spark ML – Random Forest
ml_random_forest_classifier() ml_random_forest() ml_random_forest_regressor() Spark ML – Random Forest
ml_feature_importances() ml_tree_feature_importance() Spark ML - Feature Importance for Tree Models
ml_feature_importances() ml_tree_feature_importance() Spark ML - Feature Importance for Tree Models

Spark ML - Clustering

Function(s) Description
ml_kmeans() ml_compute_cost() ml_compute_silhouette_measure() Spark ML – K-Means Clustering
ml_kmeans_cluster_eval Evaluate a K-mean clustering
ml_bisecting_kmeans() Spark ML – Bisecting K-Means Clustering
ml_gaussian_mixture() Spark ML – Gaussian Mixture clustering.
ml_kmeans() ml_compute_cost() ml_compute_silhouette_measure() Spark ML – K-Means Clustering
ml_power_iteration() Spark ML – Power Iteration Clustering

Spark ML - Text

Function(s) Description
ml_lda() ml_describe_topics() ml_log_likelihood() ml_log_perplexity() ml_topics_matrix() Spark ML – Latent Dirichlet Allocation
ml_chisquare_test() Chi-square hypothesis testing for categorical data.
ml_default_stop_words() Default stop words
ml_fpgrowth() ml_association_rules() ml_freq_itemsets() Frequent Pattern Mining – FPGrowth
ml_prefixspan() ml_freq_seq_patterns() Frequent Pattern Mining – PrefixSpan
ft_count_vectorizer() ml_vocabulary() Feature Transformation – CountVectorizer (Estimator)

Spark ML - Recommendations

Function(s) Description
ml_als() ml_recommend() Spark ML – ALS

Spark ML - Hyper-parameter tuning

Function(s) Description
ml_sub_models() ml_validation_metrics() ml_cross_validator() ml_train_validation_split() Spark ML – Tuning

Spark ML - Evaluation

Function(s) Description
ml_metrics_binary() Extracts metrics from a fitted table
ml_metrics_multiclass() Extracts metrics from a fitted table
ml_metrics_regression() Extracts metrics from a fitted table
ml_evaluate() Evaluate the Model on a Validation Set
ml_binary_classification_evaluator() ml_binary_classification_eval() ml_multiclass_classification_evaluator() ml_classification_eval() ml_regression_evaluator() Spark ML - Evaluators
ml_binary_classification_evaluator() ml_binary_classification_eval() ml_multiclass_classification_evaluator() ml_classification_eval() ml_regression_evaluator() Spark ML - Evaluators
ml_clustering_evaluator() Spark ML - Clustering Evaluator
ml_binary_classification_evaluator() ml_binary_classification_eval() ml_multiclass_classification_evaluator() ml_classification_eval() ml_regression_evaluator() Spark ML - Evaluators

Spark ML - Operations

Function(s) Description
ml_model_data() Extracts data associated with a Spark ML model
ml_call_constructor() Wrap a Spark ML JVM object
ml_corr() Compute correlation matrix
is_ml_transformer() is_ml_estimator() ml_fit() ml_transform() ml_fit_and_transform() ml_predict() Spark ML – Transform, fit, and predict methods (ml_ interface)
is_ml_transformer() is_ml_estimator() ml_fit() ml_transform() ml_fit_and_transform() ml_predict() Spark ML – Transform, fit, and predict methods (ml_ interface)
ft_string_indexer() ml_labels() ft_string_indexer_model() Feature Transformation – StringIndexer (Estimator)
ml_save() ml_load() Spark ML – Model Persistence
ml_is_set() ml_param_map() ml_param() ml_params() Spark ML – ML Params
is_ml_transformer() is_ml_estimator() ml_fit() ml_transform() ml_fit_and_transform() ml_predict() Spark ML – Transform, fit, and predict methods (ml_ interface)
ml_save() ml_load() Spark ML – Model Persistence
ml_standardize_formula() Standardize Formula Input for ml_model
ml_summary() Spark ML – Extraction of summary metrics
ml_supervised_pipeline() ml_clustering_pipeline() ml_construct_model_supervised() ml_construct_model_clustering() new_ml_model_prediction() new_ml_model() new_ml_model_classification() new_ml_model_regression() new_ml_model_clustering() Constructors for ml_model Objects
is_ml_transformer() is_ml_estimator() ml_fit() ml_transform() ml_fit_and_transform() ml_predict() Spark ML – Transform, fit, and predict methods (ml_ interface)
ml_uid() Spark ML – UID

Spark Pipelines

Function(s) Description
ml_pipeline() Spark ML – Pipelines
ml_stage() ml_stages() Spark ML – Pipeline stage extraction
ml_add_stage() Add a Stage to a Pipeline

Spark Feature Transformers

Function(s) Description
ft_binarizer() Feature Transformation – Binarizer (Transformer)
ft_bucketizer() Feature Transformation – Bucketizer (Transformer)
ft_chisq_selector() Feature Transformation – ChiSqSelector (Estimator)
ft_count_vectorizer() ml_vocabulary() Feature Transformation – CountVectorizer (Estimator)
ft_dct() ft_discrete_cosine_transform() Feature Transformation – Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) (Transformer)
ft_elementwise_product() Feature Transformation – ElementwiseProduct (Transformer)
ft_feature_hasher() Feature Transformation – FeatureHasher (Transformer)
ft_hashing_tf() Feature Transformation – HashingTF (Transformer)
ft_idf() Feature Transformation – IDF (Estimator)
ft_imputer() Feature Transformation – Imputer (Estimator)
ft_index_to_string() Feature Transformation – IndexToString (Transformer)
ft_interaction() Feature Transformation – Interaction (Transformer)
ft_bucketed_random_projection_lsh() ft_minhash_lsh() Feature Transformation – LSH (Estimator)
ml_approx_nearest_neighbors() ml_approx_similarity_join() Utility functions for LSH models
ft_max_abs_scaler() Feature Transformation – MaxAbsScaler (Estimator)
ft_min_max_scaler() Feature Transformation – MinMaxScaler (Estimator)
ft_ngram() Feature Transformation – NGram (Transformer)
ft_normalizer() Feature Transformation – Normalizer (Transformer)
ft_one_hot_encoder() Feature Transformation – OneHotEncoder (Transformer)
ft_one_hot_encoder_estimator() Feature Transformation – OneHotEncoderEstimator (Estimator)
ft_pca() ml_pca() Feature Transformation – PCA (Estimator)
ft_polynomial_expansion() Feature Transformation – PolynomialExpansion (Transformer)
ft_quantile_discretizer() Feature Transformation – QuantileDiscretizer (Estimator)
ft_r_formula() Feature Transformation – RFormula (Estimator)
ft_regex_tokenizer() Feature Transformation – RegexTokenizer (Transformer)
ft_robust_scaler() Feature Transformation – RobustScaler (Estimator)
ft_standard_scaler() Feature Transformation – StandardScaler (Estimator)
ft_stop_words_remover() Feature Transformation – StopWordsRemover (Transformer)
ft_string_indexer() ml_labels() ft_string_indexer_model() Feature Transformation – StringIndexer (Estimator)
ft_tokenizer() Feature Transformation – Tokenizer (Transformer)
ft_vector_assembler() Feature Transformation – VectorAssembler (Transformer)
ft_vector_indexer() Feature Transformation – VectorIndexer (Estimator)
ft_vector_slicer() Feature Transformation – VectorSlicer (Transformer)
ft_word2vec() ml_find_synonyms() Feature Transformation – Word2Vec (Estimator)
ft_sql_transformer() ft_dplyr_transformer() Feature Transformation – SQLTransformer
ft_pca() ml_pca() Feature Transformation – PCA (Estimator)


Function(s) Description
ml_supervised_pipeline() ml_clustering_pipeline() ml_construct_model_supervised() ml_construct_model_clustering() new_ml_model_prediction() new_ml_model() new_ml_model_classification() new_ml_model_regression() new_ml_model_clustering() Constructors for ml_model Objects
compile_package_jars() Compile Scala sources into a Java Archive (jar)
connection_config() Read configuration values for a connection
download_scalac() Downloads default Scala Compilers
find_scalac() Discover the Scala Compiler
spark_context() java_context() hive_context() spark_session() Access the Spark API
hive_context_config() Runtime configuration interface for Hive
invoke() invoke_static() invoke_new() Invoke a Method on a JVM Object
j_invoke() j_invoke_static() j_invoke_new() Invoke a Java function.
jarray() Instantiate a Java array with a specific element type.
jfloat() Instantiate a Java float type.
jfloat_array() Instantiate an Array[Float].
spark_context() java_context() hive_context() spark_session() Access the Spark API
register_extension() registered_extensions() Register a Package that Implements a Spark Extension
spark_compilation_spec() Define a Spark Compilation Specification
spark_default_compilation_spec() Default Compilation Specification for Spark Extensions
spark_context() java_context() hive_context() spark_session() Access the Spark API
spark_context_config() Runtime configuration interface for the Spark Context.
spark_dataframe() Retrieve a Spark DataFrame
spark_dependency() Define a Spark dependency
spark_home_set() Set the SPARK_HOME environment variable
spark_jobj() Retrieve a Spark JVM Object Reference
spark_context() java_context() hive_context() spark_session() Access the Spark API
spark_version() Get the Spark Version Associated with a Spark Connection

Distributed Computing

Function(s) Description
spark_apply() Apply an R Function in Spark
spark_apply_bundle() Create Bundle for Spark Apply
spark_apply_log() Log Writer for Spark Apply
registerDoSpark() Register a Parallel Backend


Function(s) Description
livy_config() Create a Spark Configuration for Livy
livy_service_start() livy_service_stop() Start Livy


Function(s) Description
stream_find() Find Stream
stream_generate_test() Generate Test Stream
stream_id() Spark Stream’s Identifier
stream_lag() Apply lag function to columns of a Spark Streaming DataFrame
stream_name() Spark Stream’s Name
stream_read_csv() stream_read_text() stream_read_json() stream_read_parquet() stream_read_orc() stream_read_kafka() stream_read_socket() stream_read_delta() stream_read_cloudfiles() stream_read_table() Read files created by the stream
stream_render() Render Stream
stream_stats() Stream Statistics
stream_stop() Stops a Spark Stream
stream_trigger_continuous() Spark Stream Continuous Trigger
stream_trigger_interval() Spark Stream Interval Trigger
stream_view() View Stream
stream_watermark() Watermark Stream
stream_write_csv() stream_write_text() stream_write_json() stream_write_parquet() stream_write_orc() stream_write_kafka() stream_write_console() stream_write_delta() Write files to the stream
stream_write_memory() Write Memory Stream
stream_write_table() Write Stream to Table
reactiveSpark() Reactive spark reader

dplyr integration

Function(s) Description
copy_to() Copy an R Data Frame to Spark
distinct Distinct
filter Filter
full_join Full join
inner_join Inner join
inner_join() left_join() right_join() full_join() Join Spark tbls.
left_join Left join
mutate Mutate
right_join Right join
select Select

tidyr integration

Function(s) Description
pivot_longer Pivot longer
pivot_wider Pivot wider
fill Fill
na.replace() Replace Missing Values in Objects
nest Nest
replace_na Replace NA
separate Separate
unite Unite
unnest Unnest

tidymodels integration

Function(s) Description
tidy() augment() glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML ALS
tidy() tidy() augment() augment(<_ml_model_linear_regression>) augment() glance() glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML linear models
tidy() augment() glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML Isotonic Regression
tidy() augment() glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML LDA models
tidy() augment() glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML linear svc
tidy() augment() augment(<_ml_model_logistic_regression>) glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML Logistic Regression
tidy() augment() glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML MLP
tidy() augment() glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML Naive Bayes
tidy() augment() glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML Principal Component Analysis
tidy() augment() glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML Survival Regression
tidy() tidy() augment() augment(<_ml_model_decision_tree_classification>) augment() augment(<_ml_model_decision_tree_regression>) glance() glance() tidy() tidy() augment() augment(<_ml_model_random_forest_classification>) augment() augment(<_ml_model_random_forest_regression>) glance() glance() tidy() tidy() augment() augment(<_ml_model_gbt_classification>) augment() augment(<_ml_model_gbt_regression>) glance() glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML tree models
tidy() augment() glance() tidy() augment() glance() tidy() augment() glance() Tidying methods for Spark ML unsupervised models

Spark Operations

Function(s) Description
get_spark_sql_catalog_implementation() Retrieve the Spark connection’s SQL catalog implementation property
connection_is_open() Check whether the connection is open
connection_spark_shinyapp() A Shiny app that can be used to construct a spark_connect statement
spark_session_config() Runtime configuration interface for the Spark Session
spark_set_checkpoint_dir() spark_get_checkpoint_dir() Set/Get Spark checkpoint directory
spark_connect() spark_connection_is_open() spark_disconnect() spark_disconnect_all() spark_submit() Manage Spark Connections
spark_table_name() Generate a Table Name from Expression
spark_install() spark_uninstall() spark_install_dir() spark_install_tar() spark_installed_versions() spark_available_versions() Download and install various versions of Spark
spark_version_from_home() Get the Spark Version Associated with a Spark Installation
spark_versions() Retrieves a dataframe available Spark versions that van be installed.
spark_config_kubernetes() Kubernetes Configuration
spark_config_settings() Retrieve Available Settings
spark_connection_find() Find Spark Connection
spark_dependency_fallback() Fallback to Spark Dependency
spark_extension() Create Spark Extension
spark_load_table() Reads from a Spark Table into a Spark DataFrame.
list_sparklyr_jars() list all sparklyr-*.jar files that have been built
spark_config_packages() Creates Spark Configuration
spark_connection() Retrieve the Spark Connection Associated with an R Object
spark_adaptive_query_execution() Retrieves or sets status of Spark AQE
spark_advisory_shuffle_partition_size() Retrieves or sets advisory size of the shuffle partition
spark_auto_broadcast_join_threshold() Retrieves or sets the auto broadcast join threshold
spark_coalesce_initial_num_partitions() Retrieves or sets initial number of shuffle partitions before coalescing
spark_coalesce_min_num_partitions() Retrieves or sets the minimum number of shuffle partitions after coalescing
spark_coalesce_shuffle_partitions() Retrieves or sets whether coalescing contiguous shuffle partitions is enabled
spark_connection-class spark_connection class
spark_jobj-class spark_jobj class
sparklyr_get_backend_port() Return the port number of a sparklyr backend.


Function(s) Description
spark_statistical_routines Generate random samples from some distribution
ensure Enforce Specific Structure for R Objects
random_string() Random string generation
%->% Infix operator for composing a lambda expression
[() Subsetting operator for Spark dataframe
generic_call_interface Generic Call Interface